Are you switching off the smoke alarm, and ignoring the fire?

When it comes to our health, our symptoms are the smoke alarm - the warning sign from the body that something is out of balance. Symptoms such as pain, bloating, skin problems, headaches and migraine symptoms, weight gain, fatigue, period troubles or mood changes.

Most of our medical treatments, medications and supplements help manage our symptoms. They might numb the pain or manipulate our body chemistry so that the symptoms aren’t as obvious.

But when we only manage symptoms, we only turn off the alarm. We are not dealing with the reason for the alarm – the fire.

We can think of the fire as the driver or reasons behind our not feeling so great.

Examples of key drivers I’ve seen in recent clients include:

- Gut bacteria is out of whack

- Not eating the right foods to nourish our cells

- Hormone imbalance

- Neurotransmitter imbalance

- Leaky gut

- Liver not functioning optimally

- Poorly managed stress

My job as a naturopath is to look for that fire and then help you put it out. Often, there is more than one fire, and maybe several factors are fuelling that fire. Sometimes the fire is easy to find, and other times we have to look in a few places to find the source.

Fires also leave damage and clutter, which we need to clean up and repair. Another job I have as a naturopath is to guide you to clear out some toxic residue and work on rebuilding cell and system health.

So, for lasting good health, we need to not only just turn off the smoke alarm, but address the root cause or drivers, cleanse and rebuild from the cellular level. Just like cleaning up and rebuilding after fire, the process can take several months of working together.

Are you ready to fight those fires and stop them causing further damage? Reach out to me for a consultation.

If you are a new client, or haven’t had an appointment within the last 6 months, then we will start with a very comprehensive fact-finding mission – also known as an Initial Consultation and Health Assessment and maybe some pathology testing. Then we work together over the next few months to find those fires, put them out and rebuild your cells for sustainable good health.

You can start with a quick 15 minute free chat.


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